Sport Relief


Caron, Brigitte and Tommy give the first runners a sendoff (you can tell Bridge is less than enthusiastic about having her picture taken)

Jayne sorts out Kenney whilst Steve shows Cody a right cross

Steve Collins, former Middleweight Champion of the World (in shades) gets ready to warm everyone up before the run

Nick warms up

Kenny and Steve lead the pack...

Nick, Brigitte, and Kenney

Rose & Kay not even breaking a sweat after six miles

...and bring ‘em home in style

Matt congratulates his 6 mile babe

Caron is there at the finish with Rose’s treat...

Nick: “It’s bloody hard work holding up this building, Kenney!”

Matt doing the business

Every picture tells a story, don’t it?

Jayne has made it VERY clear that I am not to take pictures of her (because she is always working and not done up when I see her). My camera had other ideas on this day (nothing to do with me!) and IT accidentally grabbed this shot.

What does it tell you?

I know what it tells me! My time on this planet could be over VERY soon!

Thankfully, Jayne thought about it for a beat, grabbed Rachael and posed for the picture at the right.

I was gobsmacked because it was the last thing I expected!

Rach & Jayne...the experienced and talented twosome who know how to stage any kind of event and make it work and make it fun

Donna & Steve, Kenney, and Johnny (Kenney’s polo event organizer)

The lovely Brigitte