

14th century Shere church where Fru and I were invited up into the tower (via the narrowest, claustrophobic spiral stone staircase in the world) to watch the bell-ringers at 5pm on a Sunday after walking out of the 15th century White Horse Inn.

Just down the road apiece from where I now live

Access to rear of churchyard from road where we always parked Elsie

Here’s something interesting: the picture on the left was taken 18 months before the one above, yet I chose almost exactly the same angle to shoot from. At least I have a consistent eye! The one on the left was taken with my lovely pocket Canon point-and-shoot (fabulous camera), and the one above with my amazing Canon SLR that even makes breakfast. How do you like your eggs?

The pretty top winter photo of Shere church was taken with the point-and-shoot Canon Elph as well

Where Fru always bought her Racing Post. Lovely shop