Lesley & Nevile


With Egidija (Egidia), David Bailie’s wife

Note Dave as “Cotton” in Pirates of the Caribbean in the background

“Lesley with the letterbox smile.”

An endearment lovingly given to her by the late Steve Hammond, songwriter

Nevile and David Bailie at David’s

Photographer Lesley, who has traveled the world taking photos for a series of travel books, built a school in the Cameroon, and soon after this picture was taken, was off to Uganda to photograph gorillas...or maybe build another school, do some teaching, and take a motorbike out into the bhundu just for a laugh.

I’ve never known anyone with as much energy as Lesley. She’s met Yassir Arafat, been thrown in jail by the Israelis, and crossed the Andes...

and god knows what else!